How mental health affects workplaces in the US

There is an ongoing mental health crisis in the US, and the pandemic has only exacerbated these trends. 19.1% of US adults experience anxiety in a given year,3 and 8.4% experience depression.4 Further, those who have a mental health condition can’t always reliably access treatment: 57.2% of adults with a mental illness received no treatment in 2020.1 This added up to 26 million people in the US.

Individuals who suffer from a mental health condition may have difficulty producing at work, and workplace stress often feeds into anxiety and depression. Indeed, a recent survey found that the top sources of stress in the US are money, work, and mental health.9 

For employers, mental health can impact the bottom line: For 59% of Americans, work-related stress negatively impacts performance.4 In 2013, this added up to $84B due to absenteeism. The cost of absenteeism and lost productivity is likely to have gone way up given the advent of remote work during the past few years.

Mental health conditions are being felt by Gen Z more than other (older) generations. One source cited 52% of their Gen-Z sample having been diagnosed with mental health issues. At the same time, this subgroup maintains unique expectations around what supports they expect to see at work. For instance, 82% find it important to have mental health days at work, and half want mental health training.5-8 However, not all employers are meeting this new bar.

This is where Substep comes into the picture. Our app, which is currently under development, will bridge everyday workplace challenges with mental health wellness, a touch of personal finance, and social connectivity. Our initial demographic segment for app usage (and user testing) is young people between the ages of 18-34. Substep’s personalized journeys are powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, evidence-based practices, and a unique problem solving approach.


  1. Mental Health America, 2020 Access to Care Data
  2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, STRESS… At Work
  3. National Institute of Mental Health, Any Anxiety Disorder
  4. National Institute of Mental Health, Major Depression
  5. The American Institute of Stress, 42 Worrying Workplace Stress Statistics
  6. Harvard Business Review, Gen Z Employees are Feeling Disconnected.
  7. TalentLMS,  Research: Gen Z in the Workplace
  8. American Psychological Association, The American Workforce Faces Compounding Pressure
  9. ValuePenguin, Americans’ Stress Levels — and Financial Anxiety — on the Rise